Thursday, January 30, 2014

Maken-Ki Two 3

Ok, so i know i mentioned it before... but Maken-Ki Two is now a guilty pleasure. Super Ecchi at this point and no end in sight... and im completely ok with that. Fanservice is at an all time high. 

So this weeks a round of cat girls. Very stereotypical but not bad. Inaho decides to bring Monji (the cat with an X on its head) to school to play. While working on whatever this student body does Takeru says something to set the cat off and it releases its own element that transforms all the females in the room into adorable cat girls. Even the president and the Principal end up as cat girls.
Its not just transforming with ears and tails but their speech starts by adding Nya and meow in places. They also start losing control and just going on instinct and it appears its mating season for cats in that area. We can all see where this is headed... not that im not happy we're going there. Inaho and Takeru visit the mountain and monji disappears. The next day the cat girls start fighting over what man they wanna mate with... Hilarity ensues.
Take had Haru-nee, Inaho and Himegami all pawing away at him... In the end Inaho finds Monji on the mountain and comes to understand what he was trying to tell her. He jumps into her bosom and they embrace... the element is gone and all the cat girls are back to normal... but not all the evidence it happened. Usui has a video of Himegami... she gets rid of it! I always love it when someone does something stupid and then their phone gets chucked... Maybe thats because i work for a major cell phone carrier as a tech but it still just seems hilarious.

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