Monday, January 27, 2014

Z/X Ignition 2

So I kinda feel bad that I've been ignoring this series. I finally made time on the train this evening to watch ep 2 and it was better than ep 1. I guess i might've given it a bum wrap cuz I thought it was based off of a card game. I misread and it just said game. That i can live with and im glad i decided to watch some more. This isnt so bad. 

Kinda gives off a Fate/Stay vibe at first... Minus the 'Holy War' of sorts. So the MC was able to save this angel by capturing her in his Z/X Card device. Hehe, she gets all pissed he did it without her consent but onwards... He lives in a high school dorm i.e. No girls (no less angels). He runs into Mikage who apparently has a crush on him... He's dense like most MC in these kinds of anime. She pays a visit and discovers Fierte (the angel) under his covers, its a funny scene. Quick thinking, he introduces her as his lil sister. The fact that Mikage believed that is astonishing... Airhead. 

So Mikage sneaks Fierte into the bath... Fan-service. After, Fierte senses approaching enemy danger and they head out to meet them. It turns out its Ayase and Sieger from before, back to finish the job. Fierte wants to protect the bath so she... yea i said bath... she grabs Asuka and flies off to someplace more fitting for a battle.

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