Sunday, January 26, 2014

Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha 2

This ones a lil weird but still good... Kinda hard to explain really so why dont i
just post the synopsis here...

Taken from Myanimelist:
Fushimi Inari is a shy, not-so-bright middle school girl living in Kyoto's Fushimi ward. She has a crush on her classmate Tanbabashi, but cannot express her feelings. One day, as thanks for helping a fox pup, the deity Ukanomitama-no-kami grants her the ability to change her form.
So its a bit funny to say the least. No alot of LOL but some chuckles for sure. Plus theres some drama as well. Good mix if you ask me... so onwards...

This is the second ep and im not gonna review the first cus' I watched it over a week ago, so if you wanna know about it go watch it! Inari gets pulled to the spirit world due to the divine power implanted in her by Uka (you'd know if you watched) and told that she cant be allowed to roam free with that power in the mortal world. She needs training like any new god... Unless she can pass the penalty game. No transforming for a whole day. Outlook is good but Amaterasu throws some curves and she fails... Or does she? Haha it was all a prank by Amaterasu... Ugly ass chick. At least i think shes one... Pfffft! Inari also was able to give the charm to Tanbabashi to wish him luck. Also finds out he DIDN'T ask Sumizome out, just to be the manager of the basketball team. The episode ends with her and Uka at the shrine with Inari's brother pushing Uka away while telling her to 'Stay away from my sister!'

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