Friday, February 28, 2014

Still Alive... Kinda kickin... I guess

Still alive and kicking... Anime still running full throttle and now i got the Xbox One in the mix. Battlefield is fun and OMG i can't wait til Titanfall in 2 weeks. Its gonna be amazing. I didn't get to play as much of the beta as i would have liked and sadly I didn't get my Xbox One soon enough to participate on the console... just the PC. But none the less it was still fun. 

Now... I've been playing catch up on the anime front and i also was able to read a lil bit in there too...

In the past few days I've spent alot of time coming and going from work and making full use of the 40 min each way commute. I've knocked out alot of anime i had backed up... There was some  Kill la Kill in there... some Nagi no Asukara, Engaged to the Unidentified, Magical Warfare, Maken-Ki, Golden Time, Chuunibyou, Strike the Blood, Hamatora, Ippo... I watched Witch Craft Works... I'm more or less current in almost every anime i've been trying to keep up with... There might be one or two with eps still unseen. 

Also got to read some stuff... Stuff that i actually bought for once and didn't read it online. This manga is actually pretty good. I saw it reviewed on and decided to take a look. Found 2 volumes translated and printed at the local Barnes & Noble and picked them up along with Vol. 1 of Nisekoi. Granted, I've read Nisekoi but its too good to just let go. That anime is so funny its almost side splitting sometimes. Anyway, back to the manga...

From the New World... Group of friends in a post apocalyptic world who now have the use of Magick. What is magick and what are the Adults of the village hiding? What lies beyond the rope surrounding the village... Great story and i cant wait to read more... Haven't decided if i'm going to just read this in print or look ahead and read some online. Either way... It seems awesome and i cant wait to read more. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Its Christmas!!!

Well... not exactly.. Tax returns are here!! I got mine and a shiny new Xbox One. 

Picked up...

  • The Xbox (duh!)
  • Titanfall Controller
  • Forza Motorsport 5
  • Battlefield 4
  • An extra year of Xbox Live
  • Some rechargable batteries for the controllers
I will say this... it did take a bit of time to get everything up and running though. The interface is very similar to what we had on the XBOX 360 but doesn't work like it at all... I guess I'm going to have to get used to it and until then it all just seems a tad clunky to me. Hell, I cant even access my Plex server from the damn thing. I thought it was supposed to work WITH windows? I'm pretty sure I'll be getting my game on for the next few days and i think i may not be able to find the time to update this as often as i'd like.

I am definitely still watching anime... and i'm almost caught up on most of my series. I actually watching some last night...

  • Nourin 7
  • Golden Time 19
  • Chuunibyou 7
  • Engaged to the Unidentified 7
And waiting on deck i have...

  • Strike the Blood 19
  • Magical Warfare 7
  • Nagi no Asukara 20
  • Kill La Kill 19
  • ZX Ignition 6
I think there is some more but i'm not sure off the top of my head... So if you are reading this... I dont know if i have any followers yet or not... I might not update for a few and if not, you know why... The XBOX ate my brain!

On a side note... i bought a 3DS XL for myself. I feel like such a kid again... chasing after pokemon and following Link through his adventure. Best $220 i spent in a while.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Monster Post!

Went back to shotgunning again and also trying to clear out my back log. I've got eps that ive had for like 2 weeks that i still havent seen. Been too focused on the shows i really really like... Like Witch Craft Works, Pilot's Love Song, Nisekoi and the like... but here goes anyway..

Episodes i watched...
Hamatora 5
Strike the Blood 18
Log Horizon 20
Pilots Love Song 7
ImoCho 7
Buddy Complex 7
D-Fragments 7
Witch Craft Works 7

Feels like poor Wizard Barristers and Space Dandy have been on the back burner... plus I'm also in the middle of the latest from Hamatora. 

On top of that I've also been reading some manga...

Oretama 41 (finished and updated in last post)
Seishun Pop! 41
Mayo Chiki 38 (finished)

There's actually more but i don't remember the names off the top. I haven't decided what if anything im going to Recap today... but its getting late, ill just have to worry about it tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oretama UPDATED!

Haven't posted about any manga in a while and this one kind of just snuck on me. It's really hard to describe the story because it sounds kind of weird and its a lil ecchi... well, alot ecchi actually but i don't really mind that. So here goes...

The main character is your typical 20 something loser virgin you'd expect in this kind of situation. But there's a twist. The Queen of Terror is sealed away in his right testicle. Yes, i said it... Testicle. See... according to the contract between heaven and hell, god was to give the earth back to the devils in the 7th month of the year 20XX. And that month is now... As the queen gets to earth she is sealed by an angel. She was supposed to be sealed into a magic ball... however when the sealing happens, our main character is pissing on said ball. Hence why she ends up in his right nut. Still with me? Ok, so now the devils have to find a way to make this poor boy, this virgin, ejaculate. He has no problem rubbing one out usually but now he has the entirety of humanity to protect... Can he hold out and not let one go? Thats basically the manga in a nut shell...

Now, i've read about nearly 30 chapters or so and its damn funny. This poor guy, i feel so bad for him and i have no idea how he resists. I know i couldn't. Not even close with all the shit they throw at him. Hes abused to no end and assaulted from every side by devils and even the girl at his job who he's in love with. Yea... the normal chick is a super slut nympho when she gets drunk and it seems she cant stay sober when around him. He does do some questionable stuff to her... but still... shes over the top with her desire after a few drinks.

Its not complete yet so I'm pretty sure its gonna end up on my list of reading mangas... like so many others. There just isn't enough time to update with what i read.

UPDATE: Just finished this... Ending was good enough i guess... the over the top ecchi was still funny even til the end. I gave this a 7/10 I'd say. Definitely worth the read if you like ecchi comedy.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Nisekoi 6

Hopefully you're watching this show because its damn good. Alot of good slice of life moments and there is always comedy with Chitoge. She has no idea how to control herself. The romance is good too with the three way starting to develop. I like how they show little by little how Chitoge's point of view of Raku is changing. So lets hop in...

Picks up the next day after Chitoge's lil pool incident. Eating with Ruri and Kosaki she is informed of what happened... Shes such an idiot she didnt even realize that Raku was the one who saved her... Feeling the idiot she tries to apologize and say thank you but they keep having misunderstandings.. and she of course clobbers the shit out of him... multiple times. 

After, Ruri asks her directly about her relationship with Raku and she spills the beans. Letting Ruri and Kosaki in on their Nisekoi (Fake Love) arrangement that their parents have more or less set them up in. Also how its important for the safety of the city that no one know and they need to swear themselves to secrecy. 

Relieved and now being pressured, Kosaki ends up in a very tense situation with the words 'Ive been in love with you' just about ready to leave her lips when a softball or baseball, im not sure which happens to bust through the window at just that moment. Aftewards Raku contemplates what she was going to say and completely dismisses the idea that she could confess... Hes dense, let me tell ya. 

School is ending and Raku and Chitoge have to clean the animal pens... She finally manages to say thank you... Albeit in English so he cant understand her. Raku loses his pendant and Chitoge finds it and takes it home. She drops it off later to Raku who notices its been fixed, since the chain was broke earlier. Riding back in the car Chitoge gets sentimental and remembers she also made a promise to a boy when she was younger but almost immediately dismisses the thought...

An after credit preview brings happiness... TSUGUMI COMES!!! I enjoy her character from the manga... i hope they can do her justice in motion.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Its a 2 For...

So... I got my Beta invite for Titanfall and i'll probably be on that for a while.
I did manage to play one match earlier... I'ts pretty good but still beta and i don't know how its gonna play on the One... Which im probably going to pick up in about a week... So yea, I'm pretty sure my life will be kind of over after that. Its been a while since i was truly excited over gaming and i think i can say i actually am at this point about getting an Xbox One. 

Heres the 2nd part... Anime of course! What? You were expecting somethine else? If so then you don't read enough here... I'm also thinking of posting a big update to the manga i've been reading but that can wait. 

Episodes this time...
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren 6
Nourin 6
Tokyo Ravens 18
D-Frag 6

Chuunibyou 2 - School trip this time around. Seems like Rikka and Yuta are getting closer. By the end of the episode Rikka looks almost like a normal girl in the way she is acting towards Yuta.

Nourin - This ep wasnt that interesting in my opinion. Im more interested in seeing the relationship develop between Ringo, Kousaku and Minori... They are more fun. But, it's basically about them devising ways to sell the good produced at the school by using 'moe'. Funny stuff for sure... but i would like more of those three i mentioned. 

Tokyo Ravens - So Harutora's house is burned down... I know right... that was outta the blue wasnt it? His dad texts him and tells him hes fine. Kyouko triggers Harutora's memory to return about when he met her in the past. She also realizes it was him she was in love with. The bad guys get back what they were after from Harutora's dad... the Ravens' Wing or something i think. Its basically Yakou's coat. It ends with Takiko visiting the school trying to find Natsume's class.

D-Frag - Another member of the Game Creation Club (Provisional) and Roka's kryptonite show up. Hes like a masochist.... it's almost creepy. They end up having a competition for the 'bag'. The one that Roka put on their head... Its funny... trust me. All i can say is... Takao in a track uniform... Lets just say... it's deadly...

Series Review

Servant x Service

So I wasn't really expecting much out of this series when i started it... But almost instantly it pulls you in with the hijinx and comedy. The characters are pretty endearing and you almost feel bad for them sometimes.

The story revolves around a group of new hires at the local Ward Office or to put it more simply... Welfare workers. I know what you're thinking... why didn't they do this sooner. Apparently they have alot more services over there than we do here and there all kinds of different departments and stuff.

There are some small recurring laughs that you can kind of count on. The Section Chief is very shy and somehow attends his job as a lil pink bunny... Lucy (yamagami) was curse at birth by a pair of retarded parents who gave her an outlandishly stupid name. She's embarrassed by it almost the entire time. Hasebe is kind of a genius but a slacker to no end. Miyoshi is too nice and is always having her ear talked off by an old lady named Tanaka. Chihaya is an cosplay fanatic who loves to make clothes and is also very apathetic at time. Ichimiya is a Siscom who is secretly dating Chihaya but puts Toko first in everything... Poor Chihaya. Toko is Ichimiya's imouto who at the same time as hes a siscom she is a brocom girl who berates everyone at the ward office.

They each have a story. Lucy's is about finding the civil servant who approved such a ridiculous name and complain to them.  Hasebe just joined civil service because he wants an easy life. Miyoshi wasnt really done with college but decides to get a job. Ichimiya needed to support his sister because there was no father in the picture. Chihaya is actually a temp who's been there for 3 years. 

If you enjoy laughing and a lil bit of romance that this series is a must see especially at only 13 episodes. Almost feels like it was over too soon but who knows if there will be any form of sequel whether in OVA or Anime form. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Magical Warfare (Mahou Sensou) 6

Who doesn't love a good battle anime, huh? This one sure does have some nice twists and good plot... Although, I was watching some show, it was a user produced show, about crunchy roll and the shows they have running. They touched on Magical Warfare and likened it to 'Harry Potter'. I wasn't on board with that at first... but the beginning did feel kinda Potter-esque. It's fine now tho.. thats kinda fallen away IMO. 

Onto the Ep! 

So the gang is going to attempt to save Mui's brother. The academy director also has a fight with one of the Trailer leaders... Good battle, but good always prevails, barely in this case. Also, at the same time, the rest of the group attacks Mui's brother and have a nice little battle there. 

He's ultimately too strong for the guys that attack him and ends up running off with Mui right on his heels. Takeshi and Ida are right after her and of course they fall into his trap.
Caught as they were the still managed to break through and face him directy. Mui, herself, delivering the final blow to bring her brother home. She of course continues to cry and cry while the gang looks on with a sense of satisfaction... Like, 'job well done' or something. This was almost choreographed but then again it kinda had to be. They had to let Mui get her brother back... Hes too strong to be left in enemy hands. 

Also, I thought that the guy the Director fought was gonna be dead... Uh, no, he isn't. Which is weird considering he was sent into space on the grille of some care being sucked into that hole. He kills some people that are with the fortune teller and introduces his 'candidate' for the 5th class... a dark silhouette stands agains a yellow background... thats Gekkou.. i know it!

Silver Spoon S2 Ep 6

I have to say that I'm really glad i started watching this show. It's a little off the beaten path if you consider the subject matter... Nourin is the same way if you think about it... But they lay the slice of life on pretty thick with this and it keeps getting better.

Basically they pick up right were ep 5 left off. Hachi has collapsed and its purely because of fatigue. He worked himself to the bone more or less and wasn't taking proper care of himself. At the hospital he runs into is parents and has a very awkward conversation with his father about his school choice. Breaking his glasses when he fell, his mom offers to go with him to get a new pair before he heads back to school. He gets angry and leaves his mom in the cab. 

Back at school... they are running full force for the festival. There is a human v horse Banba race as well as a jumping event from the Equestrian club. The Human v Horse was funny. Tamako said she'd give 5000 yen in food vouchers if they win. Then whips them... with a whip. 

After getting his glasses he tells the sales rep to donate the rest of his change to the charity box in their store... BAKA! How are you gonna get back to school... Walk bitch! He ends up walking all the way back to Ezonoo and finds himself standing in front of the horse pens. One of the club members tell him to attend the after party and he goes all gloomy like he don't deserve to go... She whacks him good. 

In the clubroom he runs into Mikage... Shes starting to love Hachi, you can really tell now but he thinks she turns away because hes worthless... in reality shes hiding her embarrassment. She gets all excited about all the work they did for the festival and about how no one visited him because they didnt want all the work he did to goto waste. She even sits down next to him and tells him good work. She
shows him the notebook that they had and how they left it out during the even so people could write down their thoughts and everything about the even and the show that was put on. 

Crazy that this was kind of a touching scene for a guy who was basically only good at studying and now has all these people looking to him and supporting him. He just doesnt know how to deal with these feelings... He breaks down and cries. Then the gang all find out hes back and fry up some potatoes.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Maken-ki Two 5

In the words of DMX... 'Here we go again'. This show is going no where and fast and I'm just happy to be along for the ride. 

This time around its the teachers turn. Aki-sensei apparently has never had a boyfriend and her mother is always meddling to get arranged marriage meetings. Let the lying begin...

She sends a pic of her and Takeru as if hes her boyfriend... Then he wakes up
on an island with her happily handcuffed to our busty bishoujo sensei. So yea... they were kidnapped and he was knocked out by what looked like a croquet mallet. Lol, really?... Croquet? Anyway, they were handcuffed with elemental handcuffs and looks like the boat will be in 2 days... Might as well make good use of the time. Some really great fanservice scenes to be had here... If for some reason you don't know who Aki-sensei is... here just look... cuz DAMN! 

Anyway, it was all going great and almost appeared that they might get together... But of course they couldn't let that happen.... He's the main love interest in this story for like every other female in existence. So, Haru-nee shows up with Amagami-senpai and trashes him thoroughly. He tries to run... but its no use.

I'm wondering if people are really taking this show seriously? I know that since i saw the first episode it was switched off completely for me. This could piss some people off but boobies for the sake of boobies is never a bad thing... at least in my eyes.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Been a few days

So i failed to update over the past 4 days and i didn't take a break from anime... I've just been busy with life pretty much. So, I'll just post up what my activity has been like the past few days... Since the 8th pretty much and maybe talk about what i liked or didnt like.

ImoCho 6
Strike the Blood 17
Nourin 5
Nisekoi 5
Magical Warfare 5
Hajime no Ippo: Rising 18
Witch Craft Works 6
Buddy Complex 6

Seems like alot right?

ImoCho (Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga.) - was decent enough... No real plot development that i can remember. Just some acceptance from the imouto. She's coming to terms with him being her brother.

Strike the Blood - Another outstanding ep under the belt. Natsuki still on the run and Vatler agrees to protect her... he just wants the escapees to come to him so he can fight them.

Nourin - This ep was hilarious... Comedy really kicking it up a notch. The gang has run ins with 2 different departments... one leads to a bukakke match and the other leads to them fighting with the Forest students... Seriously funny... in the end Kousaka ends up in a Yaoi moment... super gay.. but still funny.

Nisekoi - Raku helps teach Onodera to swim for a club match (under false pretenses of course) and Chitoge's opinion of Raku changes for the better... You just know shes gonna fall for him in the end...

 Magical Warfare - Testing is held for the different classes of magic used. The other faction interferes and almost causes and issue. All of the gang passes and is allowed to attempt recovering Mui's brother.

Hajime no Ippo: Rising - Miyata has an easy time defeating the man found to challenge him and at the end of the match some people hear Ippo say something and turn to chastise him. The realize who it is and start cheering his name... Looks like Ippo vs. Miyata next up soon... But first, Takamuras match next ep.

Witch Craft Works - Sooo... Kasumi kidnaps Takamiya... Stupid BroCom Imouto. The Student council is pissed that Takamiya is near 'Hime' so they have the science teacher talk to them. Hes a witch and knows about Evermillion and the Seals. Kagari makes Takamiya the new student council president so everyone will leave them alone. 

Buddy Complex - A film crew comes to the Cygnus to make a promo video for the coupling system and brings a new pilot... Dio and him have a history. When Dio and the new guy don't couple well, Aoba sits in to do the stunts. They're attacked while shooting the video and Dio saves them. Apparently the new guy is transferring to the Cygnus... so hes here to stay.

Those are my quick, short recaps... of course if you're fans of any of these series i say go watch them as i am definitely leaving stuff out. Probably going to watch the new Maken-ki and Seitokai before i turn in tonight... Hopefully i write something good about them tomorrow.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I watched some more...

So I knotched a few more episodes out today... but its Thursday (started writing this Thursday) Friday and thats a really big update day. I'm just not sure i will have enough time to watch them all...

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren 5
Engaged to the Unidentified 5
Maken-Ki Two 4
Tokyo Ravens 17
D-Frag 5
Silver Spoon Season 2 5
Golden Time 17


Chuunibyou 2 - A good ep as always. This was about the gang keeping their club room or being disbanded and the lengths they go through to prove they are a real club. Since none of the other parts of the name are workable they decide to have a napping match with another local school's "Siesta Club".

Engaged to the Unidentified - I can now say that I was right... It was an opinion I never actually shared with anyone but Hakuya and the Mitsumine family are Yakou or devils/demons/spirits of some sort. Kobeni is told this by Hakuya's mother and collapses from shock. She recovers of course and more hijinx. Love this show... Can't wait for more.

Maken-Ki Two - More fanservice and i couldn't be happier. This show has become a simple guilty pleasure. No plot i can discern or story it seems... just boobs and laughs. There's a festival and Chacha and friends decide to participate, Its a manga festival BTW. They work themselves to the bone and are finally prepared for the festival... But some d-bags crash it and cause a ruckus. They get apprehended... case closed. 

Tokyo Ravens - Still going strong from last season here... and this picks up
right where the last ep left off. Reiji (the cross shaped forehead scar Divine General) left Shaver to protect the gang, but instead he goes on a rampage and tries to kill Harutora, Natsume and the gang. He's defeated in the end by Harutora but the damage is done... Natsume can no longer hide the fact that shes a girl. The ep ends with the Chief of the Bureau being in cahoots with the Syndicate... Natsume may be in trouble... We'll see.

D-Frag - Another full on comedy ep. Kazama wants to eat his lunch and people keep stealing it. Lunch ends with him gettings next to nothing to eat. He also talks about an experience from his past that is the reason for him attending certain classes. Also... Looks like Takao has a thing for Kazama...

Silver Spoon - Festival! Hachiken is the treasurer for his class during the festival because the rest are a bunch of hicks who cant count. He is spread way too thin this episode, basically helping everyone and getting next to zero sleep... I saw his alarm go off at like 3 something, that ludicrous! Anyway this episode also sees Mikage realizing Hachi has feelings for her, damn she's dense, and freaking out about how she should act around him.

Golden Time - Sooooo... Banri has decided to face his past... wow, about
time. Although I think this will ultimately open some doors they may not wanna look into, its about time this happened. Took them almost dying to realized they cant keep running. So Linda-senpai informs Banri that there's a class reunion over summer break back in Shizuoka and asks if he will come. Good old Koko insists he go. Mitsuo seems to be odd man out about knowing about Banri's past and it looks like 2D-kun and Koko arent really spilling the beans... She outright lies about knowing about it.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That is that in a nut shell really... I actually have some more episodes that i need to watch and it feels like im in a constant state of 'whats next' every week now with this many series going at once it almost feels like i never have a day off. I was looking at the schedule and... well, here you take a look...

Pilot's Love Song (been meaning to catch up... im 2-3 eps behind)
Buddy Complex

Seitokai Yakuindomo

Maken-ki Two
Witch Craft Works
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha

Thursday (Probably the busiest day w/releases)
Engaged to the Unidentified
Nagi no Asukara
Gin no Saji S2 (I just write 'Silver Spoon')
Z/X Ignition
Golden Time
Magical Warfare
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren
Kill la Kill

Nourin (No-rin)
Strike the Blood

Log Horizon
Hajime no Ippo - Rising
Sekai Seifuku - Bouryaku no Zvezda
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga.

Space Dandy
Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil

Did you count?... Twenty-Fucking-Six! Multiply that by about 22 Minutes a piece... yea... 10 and a half hours a week!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Kill La Kill 17

First off... HOLY SHIT!! Did you watch the episode? DID YOU?! This show is crazy! I did not see that coming in the least... I knew that, coming from the guys that did Gurren Lagann, this would be amazing and incredibly over the top but it just went to a whole other level. I mean... Come ON! The last like 3 or 4 minutes were like pure WTF?! 

Want a recap? I'll bet you do.. Well, for the first time, I'm not doing one... this shit is too epic to summarize... GO WATCH IT! I will however put some screen grabs from the episode up and try not to be too spoilish!


 I completely agree with this caption!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Series Updates

Witch Craft Works 5
Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil 4
Sekai Seifuku - Bouryaku no Zvezda 4


Witch Craft Works - Another amazing episode... Super happy this one's following the manga pretty closely. So Kagari and Takamiya are going to live together and Kagari comes to fetch him from his house. His sister is none too happy... She has a brother complex it, i think i mentioned it before. Anyway, they head to the Kagari household. Huge mansion.. They take the elevator to her room but greeted by statues and the witch Medusa. 

Kagari is knocked back into the elevator, through the doors and turns to stone. Not wanting Kagari to die, Takamiya takes the pill given to him that one time and a Lady in White appears. Evermillion: The White Princess. She helps him to revive the stone Kagari and she subdue's medusa. 

Kagari's mom put out a call for all the Workshop Witches to come immediately and you see a group show up at the school. Takamiya sees and realizes how many there are.They end the episode with Takamiya's mom welcoming Kagari to their family.

Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil - The case this week is about a Wud who has murdered 15 people so far and appears to have no remorse whatsoever. Cecil doesn't want to work on the case but is reminded that its their job to protect the rights of wizards regardless of the crime. When they goto interview the prisoner he taunts Cecil and also asks about her hair accessories. Thought it was random but it comes up later. The brother of the defendant has a theory that his brother suffers from a mental disorder that would make him inculpable for his actions. They almost get away with it but the red haired brother more or less slips up with their defense by mentioning that her hair charms saved her and him. He by all counts, if he was sick like they claimed, should not have known about her hair accessories from her Father. She confronts the brother to find out that they were after Cecil the
whole time and then he attacks her. During the fight Cecil's magic has another awakening (thats her 3rd if you're watching) and she can now control sand magic apparently. She trashes the brother and he gets arrested. Afterwards they are celebrating in the office about a job well done and Cecil cant help but wonder about their motives and why were they really targeting her.

The episode ends with the brothers seemingly tied up on the floor talking with someone asking if what they did was good enough. The man they are speaking to says it was perfect.

Sekai Seifuku - Bouryaku no Zvezda - So i wasn't a fan of this episode too much this week so i'm going to keep the recap short as i almost fell asleep during it... It's gotta be pretty bad for me to fall asleep during an episode of a show i've been watching. 

Anyway, Natasha sleepwalks into Asuta's bed... Don't know why but he's punished for that. The power goes out during breakfast. The reactor runs on some vegetable that they grow in the basement. They go to get more but they're all dying... Larger trouble... the parent root must be in trouble... TO THE CATACOMBS! They trek through these underground tunnels and traps to fix the parent root all while learning Natasha's backstory. I think thats what it was... It was a backstory episode that i wasn't interested in. I guess it wasn't all terrible but for some reason i just couldn't focus. The pistol and stamen thing was kinda funny and Roboko comes and saves Natasha from her past. All ends up just fine and they go home...